Monday, October 09, 2006

Been a while...

It has been a little hectic lately and so I have not posted as frequently as I would like. Things are going well now, I had various meetings and obligations that I had to be at the past week/weekend and so now the dust has settled.

Yes, you're right, I do leave for Oregon tomorrow night. Fly out at 7:09 here, and land at 10:27 (12:27 central) there. As you could imagine, looking very much forward to it.

Once I get back, we have a coaching clinic/retreat that our staff is going on before we start our first practice, October 30th.

Our Fall league team won two games yesterday, to improve to 7-1. We beat the team that has handed out our only loss, so that was important for our guys. We have an enormous amount of work to do to get to where we need to be if we want to compete for championships, but we have a solid foundation in place.

Well, hope to hear from each and everyone of you soon, I will surely update you about my trip to Eugene when I get a chance, and plus, when my wonderful girlfriend is at class, Jax and I can only do so much, so I probably will post a time or two.

Take care and have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a good time, Chris and Melynda. You too Jax.