Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A few thoughts...

Yesterday and for 2 periods this morning I have become increasingly annoyed with some of the attitudes/actions of the students that I have in my Study Hall. Although you wouldn't think that this job could be stressful, when you see approach 600 Students a day, I am seeing about 500 more than any other teacher in the building.

I have a firm set of expectations in place, they were given in a handout at the beginning of the year, and I expect the students to follow them. As the semester has gone on, the majority of them have followed, there are groups of kids that think they can get away and act however they want with an obvious disregard for what is in place. This was REALLY annoying to me, because after all, how difficult can it be to sit and be quiet for 50 minutes a day.
What really blew me away was the fact that some students didn't think the rules/expectations applied to them. They know they are not going with the expectations, but yet still continue to act in a way inconsistent with the expectations of the class. That just blew my mind, but then the more I thought about it...

I realized that this is great for me, because it's taught me a couple of important keys for communicating with people, and successfully implementing expectations of a large group.

  • It shows me that I should follow the rule of "treating all my students fairly, but not equal" because there is a group that doesn't deserve equal treatment, but yet fair treatment for how they are acting towards me.
  • It shows me that you can never waiver in your expectations/beliefs, something that is important, and I already believe in strongly.
  • You can only control certain things, so the ones that you can, make sure that you do control them, and then be able to adapt to the things you can't.
  • Being well liked and well respected could not be two more different things. I have a wonderful family, a terrific group of friends, and the most wonderful and beautiful girlfriend anyone could ever imagine, so I don't need the students to like me, I just need them to respect me.
  • It shows me that being assertive is an important trait to have. You also must be well thought out, and speak clearly and precisely to the students, so they understand exactly where you are coming from.
  • Lastly, it shows me that once you think you know, you sure as all heck do not. Always learning, always changing.

Well, I suppose this is what a blog is for, ridiculous rambles. Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from, and I know most of you can certainly relate.

MAKE it a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to write a book. This is VERY useful info.
P.S. Luc says "jjjjjrrrrrrrlllllll,,,,,, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.